Friday 22 May 2015

OUGD603 - Module Evaluation & Cancelled briefs

Looking back over the year at my statement of intent and my planned set of briefs, I can see now that I was directionless and had resorted to writing briefs that I THOUGHT were suitable to me, but left me uninspired and feeling a little deflated - it wasn't until half way through the year when I was refining my dissertation on Themed Entertainment design that the 'penny dropped' and I realised the direction I should be heading in professionally. This little confidence I had in my dissertation was also rocked when I knew that I hadn't managed to pull off my final piece - I knew what I wanted to be, but I still wasn't entirely sure what 'what' was! 

The only briefs out of 8 or 9 proposed at the start of the year actually completed are 2: Paloma Faith poster and Boudin's Sourdough company! My design had turned a corner, and I had more readily defined what I wanted to be doing. I have done a lot more illustrative work, leaning more toward conceptual pieces as opposed to branding and packaging - something I had been so sure was what I wanted to pursue just months before.
Looking over all my work from this year, I am not overly proud - there are a few key pieces that have made it to my website that I think are strong, but I think the majority is aesthetically weaker than my work in previous years, but I know that this year has definitely been more about a journey defining myself and my practice, than my aesthetic style (I feel like I defined that in previous years).

Overall, I would say that this year is a success because I feel a lot more prepared for the industry I want to pursue, I have managed to get a list of clients that I can continue to freelance with over the next few months off the back of work I have produced for uni this year. I have a rough plan of where I want my life to head after I finish university. If it wasn't for this year and all the problems I have had, I wouldn't know any of this. I would much rather it be this way, than all my work looks beautiful but lacks substance or direction.
I owe a lot of my identity crisis to spending a summer abroad - this is a good thing. If I hadn't have gone, and hadn't expanded my horizons and opened up opportunities, if I hadn't met those people and done those things, then I wouldn't have questioned my work and my design style, and thus wouldn't have progressed the way I have this year.
I'm very excited for the next few months as I get to further define who I am as a professional, and begin my life as a full time professional designer, whether that be Graphic Design, Concept Design or Illustration (or all 3)

OUGD603 - Design Publication - Final Design Submission Boards

OUGD603 - Peter and Paul Interior Space Competition - Final Design Submission Boards

OUGD603 - 'Harlow's Den' Designs - Final Design Submission Boards

OUGD603 - 'The Golden Secrets of Hand Lettering: Create the perfect Postcard' workshop outcomes - Final Design Submission Boards

OUGD603 - The Disney Wedding Podcast/ Fairy Tale Weddings Podcast - Final Design Submission Boards

OUGD603 - Penguin book cover Competition 2015 - Final Design Submission Boards